Sunday, December 30, 2007

Matt and Grandma

IMG_0405, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Babies and Santa Hats go together so well they should come as a pair.

Watching the Flying Teddy Bears

IMG_1714, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Ben likes the Teddy Bears attached to the swing. At least I think he does. I do wonder if he's watching the cute flying things or making sure the scary flying things don't get any closer.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Matt *Almost* smiling

IMG_1739, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

I will get one of them smiling eventually

Ben Enraptured by a Spoon

Ben Enraptured by a Spoon, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

We're not sure if he was trying to bend it with his mind, or just really wanted soup.

A few more photos of Ben and his spoon are here and here

The Boys Waiting for Santa

IMG_1719, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

They fell asleep and *just* missed him.


Packed, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

So this is how we packed the van for the trip back to Illinois. Me driving, the boys in their car seats, and Jess and Duncan sleeping in the back. Left Ohio at midnight and got to Rochelle just under six hours later

First Shots

IMG_1669, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

The boys got their first set of shots just before we left for Illinois last week. Matt went first, and I don't think we've ever heard him cry quite that loudly. Ben went next, and I was ready for the windows to shatter, but he probably cries louder every time we change him than he did over the course of the four shots

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Napping, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

I especially like how Ben rests his head on his arm


Matt, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Matt after a hard day of surfing the internet, talking on the phone, listening to his ipod and sucking on his pacifier

Monday, December 17, 2007

It appears that Duncan has picked his favorite

I think its that they both like to sleep on their stomachs. And no, we don't let Ben sleep on his stomach, but the minute we put him on it, he falls asleep.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ben was just smiling, I swear

So lets say you want to take a picture of your two month old smiling. He does it only briefly, and randomly. So you seem him doing it, and grab the camera. You point it at him from two feet in front of his face. Then you make all manner of baby noises and funny faces trying to get him to smile again. He does, and you snap the picture. This is what the picture looks like when you do that.

Matt finding his thumb

IMG_0335, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Matt wanted me to point out that he also has found his thumb and is enjoying it as much as Ben

Friday, December 14, 2007

Matt Catching Up

Matt Catching Up, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

So I realized the picture I posted earlier makes Ben seem huge compared to Matt. Just wanted to show a picture showing they're not really that far apart

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ben finds his thumb

Ben finds his thumb, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

I know this isn't a good habit, but its so darn cute. So we swap it out for a pacifier as soon as we get the picture taken

My nightly Juggling Act

My nightly juggle, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

I've learned to work the remote with my feet. And to get rid of the occasional itch on my nose with sheer force of will

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ben showing off by trying to eat his own hand


Ben has developed a wide-eyed earnestness

At least when he's not crying his lungs out

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Duncan and Ben

Ben was napping on the bed and Duncan decided he wanted in on some of that action. Duncan not getting along with the kids was one of my biggest worries.  So far I'd say it was unfounded.

Duncan and Ben
Duncan and Ben

Monday, November 5, 2007

We like to keep Ben camouflaged

We like to keep Ben camouflaged, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

It helps protect him from predators, like the spots on a baby deer.

Matt in a hat

Matt in a hat
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
What is it about babies in hats?

Friday, November 2, 2007

They're getting along so well

They're getting along so well
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
I think the secret is making sure they each have their own blankets

Duncan and Matt

Duncan and Matt
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Duncan continues to get along well with the boys. I keep telling him that he'll really like them once they start spilling food from their high chairs.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

First Baths

Both boys needed their first baths this weekend. Of all the first baby things we've done, this one actually went pretty smoothly. Ben of course did not like a second of it, and Matt hardly woke up.



Tuesday, October 23, 2007

So this is a baby you say?

Mike and Shannon visited last weekend. I don't think I've ever seen Mike handle anything so carefully. Couldn't talk him into changing a diaper though.

Mike with Ben and Shannon with Matt. We did dress his namesake appropriately for the visit.

Matthew Being Helpful

Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Matt seems quite capable of feeding himself here. One handed no less. Next week I'll see how he does driving a stick shift

Personalities Emerge

Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Here we have a picture of Ben earning his recently acquired nickname "The Loud One." Note the scarlet hue

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sharing a Blanket

Originally uploaded by wetzel9
A few minutes later Ben started crying after Matt stole all the covers. I'm already looking into bunk beds.

Friday, October 12, 2007

First Doctor's Visit

Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Ben and Matt enjoying a little sunshine at the Doctor's office

Duncan and the Boys

Duncan had taken very well to the kids. For the most part he's been great. He'll either ignore them or give them a curious sniff while they're in their crib. When one of them starts crying he gets a bit confused, like he can't understand why they're making all that noise. This is when he'll get up and go sleep in another room

Duncan keeping any eye on the kids Duncan and the Boys

The whole family

The whole family
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
So several people pointed out that my previous post titled "First Family Portrait" wasn't entirely accurate. It was missing Duncan. Here is the real first family portrait. Still not quite Olan Mills

Enjoying the new digs

Enjoying the new digs
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
We were a bit worried about only having one crib for now. I think we'll be okay for a few months before they start to get crowded in there.

Jess watching

Jess watching
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
So one of our first purchases will be those mirrors you can use to watch the kids from the front seat. For their first ride Jess just rode in the back seat. Glad we bought the minivan

Getting ready to leave the hospital

Jess getting ready to leave the hospital.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The Car Seat Challenge

Matt in his Car Seat Challenge

Ben in his Car Seat Challenge

Since they were below a certain weight, both boys had to prove they could keep their blood oxygen up while they were in their car seats. Both passed with flying colors and are now cleared to go home! Not quite as official, I also passed my put-the-kids-in-the-car-seat-without-breaking-them test.

Jess and Matt Napping

Jess and Matt Napping
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Everyone keeps saying that Jess should sleep when the boys are sleeping. Done and done

First Family Portrait

First Family Portrait
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Not exactly Olan Mills, but not bad for one of us being in a hospital bed


Jess with a guy on each arm

Jess With Ben

Jess with Matt

Friday, October 5, 2007

Jess and Ben

Jess and Ben
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Jess getting in some quite time with Ben

Relaxing with the boys

Relaxing with the boys
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Between the near constant feedings and checkups. Jess enjoying some quiet time with Ben and Matt.

Who looks like Who?

Who looks like Who?
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Do they look alike? Like Jess? Me?

Matt Must Have Wanted Some Attention Too

Ben and Matt
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
His lungs have cleared and he's breathing fine. The Dr. said that it just took him a little longer to clear things up. He never did need oxygen and is hanging out in the room with us

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Benjamin Michael Wetzel

Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Born 6 pounds, 3 ounces, 19 inches long. Ben is doing fine, and spent a minimal amount of time in the NICU.