Thursday, January 31, 2008

Munka with some of her boys

Munka with some of her boys, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

We took another road trip this weekend up to Michigan so the boys could meet their Great Grandmother. It was great seeing her and great for her to meet Ben and Matt. The entire set of pictures from the trip can be found here here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Duncan and Matt

IMG_0536, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Duncan apparently got the first shift keeping watch while Matt got to sleep.

The boys in business casual

IMG_0535, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

I had to explain that even though we were all dressed in blue collared shirts they still couldn't come to work with me.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ben Smiling

Ben Smiling, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

It only took many weeks and several tries, but this is what Ben looks like when he smiles. I won't go into the details of what it took to get him to both smile and look right at me, but I think I pulled a hamstring getting it to happen

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Everyone Napping

IMG_0520, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Except me. I think I was at work. Ben must have taken this picture.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Baby Workout

Baby Workout, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

i would love to get another shot of this that shows Ben a little better, but after seeing the look on Jess's face after she took the picture I don't know if that will be allowed.

Ben showing me how to make funny faces

I can already hear Matt from the back of the minivan "Daaaad! Ben's making faces at me!"

Monday, January 14, 2008

A comparison

So I was going to add the photo below to the blog and make a comment about how Ben still has his nickname "The Loud One"

Matt and Ben

But it reminded me of a picture I'd seen before, when I was making out rehearsal dinner slideshow.


A more direct comparison seemed to be in order.

jess - ben - compared -2

We may be on to something here.

Ben Sleeping

Ben Sleeping, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Years from now when he's passed out in a chair after Thanksgiving dinner, we'll pull out this photo and compare.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Me Reading

Me Reading, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

I'm surprised at how much Duncan seems to enjoy story time also

Matt turned over

Matt turned over, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Not a terribly interesting picture, but this was taken right after Matt managed to turn himself over from his stomach over onto his side. The baby development books seem to think this is a very big deal.

Matt Holding His Head Up.

Like most of my pictures, I was a bit late to get the camera out. Matt was holding his head up, and in the time it took me to get the camera out his neck must have gotten tired. So he seems a bit wobbly here, but was holding it pretty steady before I got the camera out.

After his workout it was time to relax with a good thumb-sucking

Go Illini

Go Illini, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

This was obviously taken before the game, since I'm smiling. It was a good exercise in self control to watch my language once the game actually started. I also tried to get the boys to go back and forth with an "I-L-L", "I-N-I" cheer, but they didn't seem interested.

Baby Exercises

Baby Exercises, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

They make handy dumbbells now that they can kind of hold their heads up

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mike Feeding Ben

IMG_0411, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Me: Hey Mike, you want to feed him?
Mike: Sure, what the heck.
Me: Okay, hold him upright in the crook of your arm, then hold the bottle at a bit of an angle
Mike: Like this?
Me: Yup, just like that. He should be done in 35 - 40 minutes, and you have to burp him every 10 minutes of so. Oh and sometimes he won't pull on the bottle, so you have to wiggle his chin a bit with your finger to get him started. Have fun!
Mike: *pause* Well played.

Grandpa and the Boys

IMG_0404, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

See previous post regarding babies and Santa hats