Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ben and Matt

Ben and Matt, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

I imagine this is the exact look I will get from each of them, ten or so years from now, after I've caught them trying to draw on the walls with ketchup, as I try to explain just how wrong what they did was.

A few years after that, once they're teenagers, the look will be similar but I imagine will be accompanied by the intermittent eye roll.

Our Little Mouth Breather

Ben, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

When Ben crashes, he crashes.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Matt looking at Jellyfish

Matt looking at Jellyfish, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

We took the boys to the aquarium this last weekend. Along with every other parent who didn't know what to do with their children in 25-degree weather but wanted to get out of their house and do *something*.

It was an adventure pushing our huge double stroller through shuffling crowds of parents interspersed with children darting back and forth obliviously as a particularly shiny fish catches their eye. It was especially interesting to try to steer it with one hand once the boys woke up and we carried them. Next time we will skip the stroller and go with the snuglis

The boys didn't find the otters or penguins as interesting as we thought they might, but they did seem to like the Jellyfish and walking under the big fish tank. Oh, and the big chandelier in the jellyfish room was apparently the most interesting thing in the whole place.

It was still nice to get out with them, and we bought a membership so we'll definitely go back again in a month or so. Below are a few more pics

Matt not so enthralled by OttersBen not so enthralled by Otters

Matt and Mr Hippo

Matt and Mr Hippo, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Matt playing around with Mr Hippo. Matt and Mr. Hippo get along very well

A larger version is available here.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ben and Mr. Giraffe

Ben and Mr. Giraffe, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Ben in various states of distress and serenity with Mr. Giraffe. A larger version is viewable here

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ben in Overalls

Ben in Overalls, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Overalls on a baby are so cute they should come as a kit. Along with maybe Santa Hats.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Matt and Mr Hippo

Matt and Mr Hippo, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

They boys are starting to identify toys that they like more than others. Its kind of a fun game for Jess and I to guess which of them will be the matted, threadbare, unidentifiable-as-to-its-original-animal one that we will eventually have to tear away from them.

This is one of the first leading candidates: Mr Hippo. We'll see if he eventually gets a more creative name or if his early lead is overtaken by the other emerging frontrunner, Mr Giraffe

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Very Tired Ben

A Very Tired Ben, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Ben gets very sleepy very quickly sometimes. And also his face is very smooshy.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Matt Smiling

Matt Smiling, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

He smiles also. Its just harder to get him to do it while he looks at a camera. Or to get the camera to point directly at him while he's doing it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Matt and Ben Sleeping

Matt and Ben Sleeping, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

A rare photo of both Matt and Ben sleeping. Why rare? Because it would reqire me to go into their room while they're sleeping! Think of all the potential disasters: Door hinges squeak. Floorboards creek. Camera shutters click. Squeaky dog toys could be underfoot. I could kick their little drum toy that plays a bongo song. Best to just sit quietly wherever we happen to be in the house, talk in a quiet whisper, and hope Duncan doesn't spot anything outside worth barking at.

I am glad I took the risk though, since I could compare this shot to the one below.

Wow. They grow up fast.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Mike and a sleeping Ben

Mike and a sleeping Ben, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Mike and Ben.

Mike and Ben., originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Some pictures just do not require an amusing caption

Jess Driving and feeding Matt.

Jess Multitasking, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Just Kidding! Really, we're parked at a rest stop.

We did not have the luxury of driving overnight while the boys slept for our latest road trip. Feeding them along the way wasn't as difficult as we thought it would be.

And the front seat makes for a good changing table if you stand outside the car and reach in through the window.