Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Missing Mom

So Jess is out of town for work. This means that the boys get to hang out with me and eat frozen waffles for dinner every night. We did get her a webcam so she could chat with the boys while she's out of town. Ben apparently decided that she must really miss Giraffee.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This a New Game We Call "Stand on Daddy"

IMG_5019, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

It consists of stepping up on my chest, then stepping down, then stepping up, then stepping down.

I'm hoping the novelty wears off by the time they're in Junior High

Monday, July 13, 2009

Grandpa and all the Grandkids

IMG_0102, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

No chance of getting all the kids to look at the camera. No amount of singing and stuffed animal waving would work. Heck, it took Ritz crackers just to keep the boys sitting down.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blooper Reel

So for every great picture I get of a smiling boy looking directly at the camera, there are often many many that are the exact opposite of that. Sometimes they're as amusing as the picture I'm actually trying to take. I've included a few of them below




Thursday, July 9, 2009

Different Soccer Styles

The boys have started taking soccer. I should say they've started taking "soccer." It's held in a soccer practice facility, and they do kick soccer balls. However there are bubbles involved. songs are sung. And a parachute does come out at the end.

Ben is getting pretty good with the kicking. Matt still seems like he needs to be convinced not to use his hands.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

In Which Ben Attempts to Guess my Password

Teaching Ben to Blog, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Here Ben attempts to hack into my blog so that he can remove all the embarrassing pictures I've put up so far.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Matt and Grandma

IMG_4350, originally uploaded by wetzel9.