Sunday, June 1, 2008

Trip to the Aquarium: Now with the ability to follow moving objects!

So we hit the break-even point on our Aquarium season passes by going again last weekend. This time we were smart enough to forgo the stroller, and go earlier in the day so it wasn't so crowded.

The boys are much more aware of the world around them than they were last time, so it was fun to watch them watch the fish. Ben was especially funny as he kept trying to reach out and touch the jellyfish. Some pictures and notes below

The birds were also a bit more lively than they were last time we were there. Here Jess and I are either facinating the boys with the pretty colorful birds or scaring them for life with the time the birds tried to eat Mom and Dad's hands.


Shawn: ...and a shark's skeleton is made entirely of cartilege...
Ben: The tag on my bib is fun to chew on!

Look!  Fish!

Once he's out, Matt can sleep anywhere

Matt can Sleep Anywhere

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