Friday, July 25, 2008

He's *So* Close

Originally uploaded by wetzel9
I also like the diving grab.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Matt's First Haircut

Matt's hair was getting a bit out of hand. It was falling over his ears, and was for some reason really long in back. His nickname around the house was "Bed Head." So it was time for his first haircut.

Where to actually get this done was a bit of a tricky question. I get mine done at Great Clips, where quite frankly I wouldn't want half the employees near my child with anything sharp. Jess goes to a Salon that, well, lets just say Matt didn't need something like a color treatment. Luckily we were not not the first parents to have this conundrum, and where there is parental confusion there is a business opportunity. That Business was a place called "Cookie Cutters" Kids get their hair cut while sitting in airplanes or race cars, watching TV or playing video games. It is a far cry from the barbershop where I cried over my first haircut.

He did okay at first, but a little kid can only take so much of the lady with scary sharp things and a water bottle.


Luckily the people at Cookie Cutters have seen this before. And they know the cure for crying little kids is a balloon.


Well, its not a complete cure.


It was over quickly though, and the balloon provided hours of enjoyment.


Ben also got his own balloon.


Matt and Dad Acting Goofy

IMG_1222, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Its the simple things...

Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Well, at least at this age.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Easily Amused

Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Wait until he discovers that a Frosty is not just something that lets Daddy make funny noises

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ben's First Video

Ben's First Video
Originally uploaded by wetzel9
Maybe interest in cameras is genetic.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First Baseball Game

IMG_2798, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

So we've wanted to take the boys to a baseball game for awhile now. Only problem is that games start at either 7:10 at night or 1:15 in the afternoon. The boys' normal bedtime is 7:30 and their naptime from 1:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon. So either way we would be taking tired cranky boys.

So last weekend we're home and I flip over to the Reds game on TV. The game is rain delayed, and the announcer mentions they're planning on getting it started at 3:30. One of the nice things about living in Cincinnati is that from the moment you decided to go to a Reds game, you can be downtown, park, scalp tickets, and be in your seat in 20 minutes or so. Sometimes having a team 12 games back of first is a good thing

It was a good time. The boys were most interested in the spoons that came with our frozen lemon cups, but I think they glanced at the field a few times here and there. The didn't even seem to mind the fireworks.

A couple more pics are below



Jess and the Boys

Jess and the Boys, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

So as long as I've known her, Jess has driven fast. Having two kids and driving a minivan has slowed her down a bit, but one can tell this is not her natural tendency. Last weekend she got to indulge her lead foot at the Kentucky Speedway. The full set of pics is here.