Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First Baseball Game

IMG_2798, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

So we've wanted to take the boys to a baseball game for awhile now. Only problem is that games start at either 7:10 at night or 1:15 in the afternoon. The boys' normal bedtime is 7:30 and their naptime from 1:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon. So either way we would be taking tired cranky boys.

So last weekend we're home and I flip over to the Reds game on TV. The game is rain delayed, and the announcer mentions they're planning on getting it started at 3:30. One of the nice things about living in Cincinnati is that from the moment you decided to go to a Reds game, you can be downtown, park, scalp tickets, and be in your seat in 20 minutes or so. Sometimes having a team 12 games back of first is a good thing

It was a good time. The boys were most interested in the spoons that came with our frozen lemon cups, but I think they glanced at the field a few times here and there. The didn't even seem to mind the fireworks.

A couple more pics are below



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