Thursday, August 7, 2008

Trip to Florida

So I've had pictures of our trip to Florida online for weeks now and I keep meaning to put up a huge, well written and funny-captioned post on the trip and how flying with the kids was. Except I apparently write slow and have little free time, so instead I'm just going to post them since it seems like such a glaring omission to have the boys' first vacation and plane trip undocumented here.

Flying with them wasn't nearly the hassle I thought it would be, but then again I thought it would be almost impossible. They were really well behaved on the plane and once we were in the air they actually slept most of the way. Some quick notes:

1) After putting a ton of thought into what into what toys would keep them occupied for the trip, it turns out that plastic cups and small bags of pretzels make the best toys. Which must be why the plane already has them.
2) A plane is the one place you can show up with cute twin babies and not see people smile. When people see Jess or I with the double stroller the usual reaction is something along the lines of "Awww.....twins!" On a plane you can actually see people think "Oh God there's two of them."
3) While holding a baby on a plane, pay careful attention to exactly how you have your arms arranged. Ask yourself "If the baby fell asleep right this very second, could I hold my arms like this for an hour?" If the answer is no readjust.

Here are some travel pictures.




I'll post actual Florida shots in a bit. If this gets any longer it'll turn into the long post I don't actually have time to write.

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