Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ben is His Mother's Son

So although we get both opinions, the general consensus is that Ben looks like Jess and Matt looks like me. I've had my doubts until now. I honestly think Ben looks like my brother and Matt looks like Jess's mom. That was until we took the boys to the Children's Museum. There they had their first encounter with a sandbox. And Ben made it known he's his mother's son.

A bit of background: Jess does not like to get dirty. At all. Her mother loves to tell us the story of when she was little and they were on a walk. Jess was in a wagon that tipped over. Jess let out a bloodcurdling scream. Her mom assumes that she's severely hurt herself. She thinks she must have broke something. She asks Jess what's wrong. Jess is standing there crying and she yells "I'M DIRTY!" Jess will spend all day working in our yard, planting flowers, weeding. She'll do all this yard work without ever getting her hands dirty. Like she won't even have to wash them. She can paint an entire floor in the house and not get a speck of paint on her. She'll roast a chicken and somehow manage never to touch the chicken itself. Its actually quite amazing.

So this was Ben's reaction to discovering that sand stuck to his fingers when he touched it. And the laughing you hear in the background? That's Jess.

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