Thursday, September 10, 2009

Matt Likes the Ocean

So every day on vacation we took the boys to be beach hoping they would like it. Every day they didn't. But they did seem to dislike it less each time. Especially Matt. The last day we gave it one more try, and Matt was feeling adventurous.

He started slow. Here he tries one foot at a time in the puddles left when the tide went out. You can hear Ben in the background feeling a little less brave.

Eventually he would walk through the little stream that the waves were making up on the beach. Ben was not feeling it that day. you can see him in the background with Jess avoiding the sand with his patented "Koala Defense"
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In fact, lets take a closer look at Ben's Koala Technique.
Ben does not like the ocean

Matt got braver after that, letting Mom hold him in the waves coming up on the beach.

And finally he was all about running through the waves. Next year we'll be getting out the surfboard.

Ben never did warm up to the Ocean. We'll try again next year.
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All the photos from our vacation can be found here

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