Thursday, November 12, 2009

Leaves are Fun, Until they Stick to You

They boys were enjoying playing in their pile of leaves until Ben noticed that they were sticking to him. As we've seen before, Ben does not like it when things stick to him.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Leaves are Fun

The new house has a lot of leaves in the yard. Its good to know that someone enjoyed them.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

This year the boys totally got Trick or Treating. They had the hardest time with not eating whatever they were given right then an there. Ben would sit down right on the sidewalk and try to unwrap a candy bar.






Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Boys Like to Eat Things Dipped in Other Things

Every other item eaten that night was also dipped in salsa. This included broccoli, cheeseburgers, chicken fingers, french fries, and crayons. Also, the first time we're somewhere with salsa that's actually spicy we're screwed. Our choices will be either keep it away from the them and they'll cry that they can't have it, or we'll let them have it and they'll cry when their mouths suddenly start hurting for no reason.

I also need to explain the whole double-dipping thing to them.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Matt and Mom on the Hay Ride

IMG_0744, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Hay Maze

So with the boys being able to walk when we went to get pumpkins meant that we could also go through the hay maze that was conveniently located next to the pumpkin patch.


So the pictures don't capture this very well but this particular dead end in the maze something funny happened. The boys both rounded the corner and came upon this scary cauldron stirring witch. They both just stared at it. Neither seemed particularly scared but after about ten seconds Ben decided that whatever that thing was, he and Matt needed to get away from it *now*. He grabbed Matt by both shoulders and shoved and dragged him back the other way. Matt the entire way seemed to be saying "Wait, what? I'm not done looking at the cooking lady!"

The boys also seem to find the largest straightaway anywhere we go and run back and forth.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Last year when we went to acquire pumpkins the boys weren't walking. This year we spent most of the time chasing them around the place. They each picked out their own Matt and Ben sized pumpkins, although Matt tried repeatedly to pick up one of the larger ones.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Second Trip to an Amusement Park: Now With More Actual Riding of Rides

So last year's trip to Kings Island was fun but we were obviously bring-kids-to-amusement-park novices. This year both of them are walking, and we made sure they each had socks on. We even though about trying to sneak Ben onto some of the more advanced rides since he hit the 36 inch height minimum.

Now that the boys have learned to point, we've found the best way to get them to look at the camera is to say "Where's (person's name holding the camera)!?" They point, look at the person with the camera and sometimes even smile.

The Merry Go Round was fun this year, they boys could actually hold themselves up on the ride.

Almost every picture I have the boys are looking around trying to figure out why the ground doesn't seem to be where it usually is.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Matt and Balloons (Sort Of)

These are the pictures you get when Mom is trying to both play with a very-excited-to-play-with-a-balloon two year old *and* take pictures of him at the same time.

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IMG_0680 IMG_0682

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ben Likes His Sunglasses

He just needs to learn how to keep them on his face.

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IMG_0624 IMG_0623

Monday, October 5, 2009


So updates have been sparse lately because we're currently moving. Its a bit of a complicated move that leaves us a month between selling our old house and moving into our new one. Jess's Mom and Dad have been kind enough to let us stay with them over the course of the month, but blogging has taken a back seat to lifting heavy boxes. We did get a picture of us at the old house one last time though.



Monday, September 21, 2009

Duncan Eating

I'm not sure why, but both the boys are fascinated with Duncan eating. They honestly don't pay much attention to him most of the time. I'm always reminding them "Not to step on Duncan" or "don't throw that toy at Duncan" But when he eats they sit and stare. It'll be nice once they learn to talk so I can ask them why.

Matt Watching Duncan Eat

Matt Watching Duncan Eat

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mom and Ben Goofing Around

Jess_and_Ben_V, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Matt Likes the Ocean

So every day on vacation we took the boys to be beach hoping they would like it. Every day they didn't. But they did seem to dislike it less each time. Especially Matt. The last day we gave it one more try, and Matt was feeling adventurous.

He started slow. Here he tries one foot at a time in the puddles left when the tide went out. You can hear Ben in the background feeling a little less brave.

Eventually he would walk through the little stream that the waves were making up on the beach. Ben was not feeling it that day. you can see him in the background with Jess avoiding the sand with his patented "Koala Defense"
IMG_0492 - Copy

In fact, lets take a closer look at Ben's Koala Technique.
Ben does not like the ocean

Matt got braver after that, letting Mom hold him in the waves coming up on the beach.

And finally he was all about running through the waves. Next year we'll be getting out the surfboard.

Ben never did warm up to the Ocean. We'll try again next year.
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All the photos from our vacation can be found here

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I guess I should be happy he's eating his vegetables. But its going to be hard as they get older to keep hiding *my* tomatoes under my plate.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ben Still Does Not Like the Ocean

Ben's opinion of the ocean has not improved with age. Apparently sand and wet toes are not something he's a fan of. Even showing him how to build sand castles didn't help.

Grandpa was nice enough to hold his hand while he searched for higher ground.


Monday, August 31, 2009

Pool Toys are Awesome Now

So pool toys are *way* cooler than when I was a kid. This is basically one small step below having an actual boat for your two year old. The boys thought it was a blast to steer and honk the horn. Thanks to Uncle Mike for bringing it along.



Friday, August 21, 2009

Drinking Pop

One day I pulled a can of pop out of the fridge and Ben gestured that he wanted it. I handed him an unopened one and he did what he always sees mom and dad with it. Matt had to have one minute he saw Ben with one. And so they had a good time 'drinking' pop for awhile. I'm not sure if they think mom and dad just enjoy holding cold metal cylinders to their faces or what. Side note: Notice the noise Ben makes when he stands up on the couch. Its remarkably similar to the noise Dad and Grandpa Wetzel make when they lift heavy things. So its either genetic or learned early. Also, it goes without saying that the playing with pop cans lasted another 10 minutes before a can was punctured and Resolve had to be used.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Matt and Ben: Another Comparison

Our Friends Brian and Christi have the coolest kid toy I've seen. The kind that when I was a kid (did i just write that?) required a trip to Chucky Cheese or at least a County Fair. They were kind enough to set it up and let the boys play along. The boys had a blast and we learned that Ben is very cautious and deliberate. And that Matt has no fear.

Even going head first Ben is still cautious and in control:

and more of Matt's headfirst tumbling:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ben Crashed Out

Ben Crashed Out, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

Ben wasn't feeling well one of the nights we went looking for houses. He made it through 3 of 4, but crashed hard on the last one.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Matt and Duncan Playing

Duncan has decided he likes Matt's game of "Lets Go in Circles" They've tried playing where Duncan leads, but Matt eventually gets lapped.

I've also decided that the area rug on our living room floor will be the equivalent of the rust orange shag carpeting from my childhood pictures.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Missing Mom

So Jess is out of town for work. This means that the boys get to hang out with me and eat frozen waffles for dinner every night. We did get her a webcam so she could chat with the boys while she's out of town. Ben apparently decided that she must really miss Giraffee.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This a New Game We Call "Stand on Daddy"

IMG_5019, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

It consists of stepping up on my chest, then stepping down, then stepping up, then stepping down.

I'm hoping the novelty wears off by the time they're in Junior High

Monday, July 13, 2009

Grandpa and all the Grandkids

IMG_0102, originally uploaded by wetzel9.

No chance of getting all the kids to look at the camera. No amount of singing and stuffed animal waving would work. Heck, it took Ritz crackers just to keep the boys sitting down.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blooper Reel

So for every great picture I get of a smiling boy looking directly at the camera, there are often many many that are the exact opposite of that. Sometimes they're as amusing as the picture I'm actually trying to take. I've included a few of them below




Thursday, July 9, 2009

Different Soccer Styles

The boys have started taking soccer. I should say they've started taking "soccer." It's held in a soccer practice facility, and they do kick soccer balls. However there are bubbles involved. songs are sung. And a parachute does come out at the end.

Ben is getting pretty good with the kicking. Matt still seems like he needs to be convinced not to use his hands.
